

Have you ever woken up and wondered, “why am I here?”, “who are these people?” “why is it necessary?”
Most people are used to planning their lives. You see them carry diaries, small notebooks and stickers to remind them of the way forward.
What happens if your planner is taken away from you? Do you start getting nervous as you wonder how you are going to survive?
I think life can bring some humor depending on how you see it. Life wants you to loosen up and do things a different way apart from whatever timetable you are used to.
Well, I guess there are some people with plan B,C,…but whats the fun in that? (again, depending on how you see it)
Am not saying that being organized is not helpful, but sometimes I think uncertainties thrown at us are opportunities for us in learning how to deal with new challenges.
Personally, I have really had one of those days where nothing goes as I had planned and I end up laughing at how the situation expects me to feel impatient or disappointed. Once I do that, my positive energy returns and I start feeling siked to get creative and handle things differently and show that I could have some humor as well…
Haiya, I have just written about how I deal sometimes when things get tough..
#you could do this too
#did I just open up without knowing
#blogs…that’s what they do..;)

Published by lorna's life script

Am one trying to discover what life is all about through my art, content creation, and life in general.

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