In my mind…


Hey people, here I am again….today my mind takes me to how my personality changes when around other people… one is expected to act or behave a certain way…e.g you cant say everything thats on your mind…you know., I always had this imagination where there was a power that voiced out all your inner thoughts in public…”oh my your so boring, shut up, its not funny,…why are you forcing me to smile…” e.t.c.e.t.c it would be tragic right? Just imagining a relationship, you are on a date then a powerful voice shouts whats really on your mind….”babe you are boring me with those jokes” or “I love that guy more”…e.t.c

I really thank God there is nothing like that existing on earth… I would have lost a lot…

I think one can tell who one is through their speech and actions… quiet people are harder to read though…the loud ones are easier to analyze…Sometimes observation is my best hobby just seeing how someone is full of potential trying to share what they are all about…the excitement they have with their optimistic view of life…you know maybe this group things for church helps a lot of people…you know, you go there , meet people they smile, laugh and show you how important you really are…

In the real world, no one gives a (hoot) about anyone so maybe its a solace for victims of these cold atmosphere…WHEN ONE FEELS RELEVANT, their optimism storms up the ladder as well and hence they carry out their responsibilities with more motivational push…a meaningful motivational not a monetary one…:)

i think thats it for now my brains a bit lazy today hope it rejuvinates next tyme

#always real people..

Published by lorna's life script

Am one trying to discover what life is all about through my art, content creation, and life in general.

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