Hey guys, its been a while since I wrote something but that has been bit of a struggle for me especialy when trying to find the right motivation, inspiraton or feeling to jot something. Lately Ihave been having thoughts on my healing journey of my human experience. I find myself analyzing the whole bit ofContinue reading “ACKNOWLEDGING IS HEALING”

My journaling urge slowly declining

I’ve been wanting to journal as part of a sanity step in my life. I am not saying am crazy but life has its overwhelming load on me sometimes and I always feel the need to have an outlet. I used to journal in my early twenties and as I look back , I thinkContinue reading “My journaling urge slowly declining”

Self love ..a compulsory life skill

In my mental health journey now that I think about it there is that part where I felt like what was weighing me down was the energy of what was said about me in a negative light. Lately, it just feels like maybe it’s more of how I allowed my brain to internalise and asContinue reading “Self love ..a compulsory life skill”

My andraine addiction

Hi. My name is Lorna and am an android addict. I have been for around 6 years now. I never felt like it was until the recent three years. There is a time when having access to a good phone and Internet was like a luxury. Expensive. But now, it’s changing. It’s becoming more accessibleContinue reading “My andraine addiction”

Awarding Courage

Am not a person who likes confronting situations. I hate having to argue or deal with a situation where the conversation sounds tense or there is just a hostile negative energy to it. I think it has something to do with past negative experiences especially in relationships where healthy communication is not registered. I amContinue reading “Awarding Courage”

Self validation

Self validation: learning how to validate yourself when no one is looking or before others do.I guess we live in a society where it is programmed that we seek validation we are right or wrong in the eyes of others. Even in kindergarten, there was that favorite kid who was loved more than others becauseContinue reading “Self validation”


Do you ever have bad days? they come just when you previously had a happy day or a moment that brought you bliss… It keeps happening to me but I am not here to feel bad about here to express and understand the situation and try to make sense of it. Is it thatContinue reading “THE MIND TRAP”

In my mind…

Hey people, here I am again….today my mind takes me to how my personality changes when around other people… one is expected to act or behave a certain way…e.g you cant say everything thats on your mind…you know., I always had this imagination where there was a power that voiced out all your inner thoughtsContinue reading “In my mind…”