Hey guys, its been a while since I wrote something but that has been bit of a struggle for me especialy when trying to find the right motivation, inspiraton or feeling to jot something. Lately Ihave been having thoughts on my healing journey of my human experience. I find myself analyzing the whole bit ofContinue reading “ACKNOWLEDGING IS HEALING”

My journaling urge slowly declining

I’ve been wanting to journal as part of a sanity step in my life. I am not saying am crazy but life has its overwhelming load on me sometimes and I always feel the need to have an outlet. I used to journal in my early twenties and as I look back , I thinkContinue reading “My journaling urge slowly declining”

My andraine addiction

Hi. My name is Lorna and am an android addict. I have been for around 6 years now. I never felt like it was until the recent three years. There is a time when having access to a good phone and Internet was like a luxury. Expensive. But now, it’s changing. It’s becoming more accessibleContinue reading “My andraine addiction”

Awarding Courage

Am not a person who likes confronting situations. I hate having to argue or deal with a situation where the conversation sounds tense or there is just a hostile negative energy to it. I think it has something to do with past negative experiences especially in relationships where healthy communication is not registered. I amContinue reading “Awarding Courage”